The Dodo
Here you’ll find just some of the work that I’ve done at The Dodo. Take a look at my reel for a more in-depth view into some of my work at the company. Or visit the Dodo Kids YouTube Channel or the DodoWell website.
Snapchat illustrations and animations
Logo animation & Exploration
Some logo exploration
Final logo
AR Filters for instagram
Video Editing
These are some videos for the new Dodo brand “Dodo Kids” that I did the editing, design, animation and thumbnails for.
Fox Rescue: 1st round editing, GFX and thumbnail done by me.
Ernest and his pigs: Video done by me start to finish. Editing, GFX and thumbnail art.
Jukebox and Agatha: Video done by me start to finish. Editing, GFX and thumbnail art.